Sunday, 17 February 2013

Return of the Pinteresting Things

It's been so long! I am so so so sorry, I have been ridiculously busy, and I know that's a pathetic excuse. Sorry.

This is very beautiful, such a sweet idea for any time of year.

A really sweet birthday card, but if you used red and green fabric, it could become a simple and gorgeous Christmas card. Sadly the link won't work, but it looks easy enough.

Really tasteful and fun, so easy to do 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

My Own Spin

You may remember this, from an earlier Pinteresting post? Well, I decided to make my own version.

You need:
Any lightish (technical, huh?) colour card A4
A printer and computer
Something to write inside the card with

Open up a word processor (the most famous being Microsoft Word, my preference being Pages), pick out a landscape setting and type out the alphabet in a pretty font of your choosing, with a space, instead of the U, making sure only to take up the right half of the page. Type underneath 'I am only missing U'. Print onto your card, fold in two and write on the inside.

(My finished product)